Master's degree at
Astana IT University
Applied Data Analytics
Computational Sciences
Computer Science and Engineering
Secure Software Engineering
Project Management
Digital Public Administration and Services
Media Technologies
Benefits of an AITU Master's Degree
Modern educational programs
1. Applied data analytics
2. Computational sciences
3. Computer Science and Engineering
4. Project management
5. Digital government management and services
6. Media Technologies

2 years of study in English language
State grant for the entire period of study
Academic mobility
Career Opportunities
Highly qualified teaching staff with great practical experience
Creation of start-ups and scientific-innovative projects
Certification from international IT vendors such as CISCO, Huawei, Kaspersky
Modern laboratories on the territory of the university
The process of admission to the paid department
Successful completion of comprehensive testing
The threshold score for a scientific and pedagogical master's program is 75
Collect a complete package of documents
Pay the first tranche
(upon admission to the paid department)
You can choose the payment system and discount amount below on this page
Send an e-receipt about payment
(upon admission to a paid department)
Scan your receipt and submit using the form on this page
Submission of documents through the AITU Admissions Committee or online
It is necessary to bring a complete package of documents to the university at the address of our university, for enrollment and applying for a grant. Address: Astana, Mangilik El Avenue, 55/11
Educational programs
Students on a paid basis are provided with the following types and sizes of discounts
Flexible payment system
Option #1
You can divide the payment into 3 tranches:
30% / 35% / 35%
Option #2
You can divide the payment into 2 tranches:
50% / 50%
ТОО «Astana IT University»
000000, Astana, Mangilik El Ave., EXPO pavilion C.1
BIN 190240014589
IIC KZ266018821000167581
Kbe (beneficiary code) 17
Knp (payment purpose code) 861
Purpose of payment - for magistracy
JSC Halyk Bank of Kazakhstan