Digital Journalism
Applications for participation in creative exams are accepted by the University admission committee in the period from June 20 to August 10, 2024 in two streams:
- To participate in the competition for the award of a state educational scholarships – from June 20 to July 7, 2024;
- For admission on a paid basis – until August 10, 2024.

Creative exams are aimed at identifying the abilities of applicants and personal prerequisites for mastering a creative profession.
The purpose of the creative exams is to check the applicant’s readiness to study in the group of educational programs B042 – Journalism and Reporting.

  • evaluate the applicant’s creative potential;
  • to identify written and oral knowledge, skills and abilities in the field of communication;
  • to determine the motivation of the applicant’s admission to this educational program and the desire to work in a profession after graduation.

Each creative exam is evaluated according to a 50-point system.

About the exam
from July 7 to August 15, 2024
Full-time (offline) format at Astana IT University (Astana, EXPO, Pavilion C1) in two streams:
  • To participate in the competition for the award of a state educational scholarships – from July 8 to 12, 2024;
  • For admission on a paid basis – from August 12 to August 15, 2024. 
The language of the exam
Applicants have the right to take exams in one of 3 languages: Kazakh, Russian, and English.
The language of instruction in the EP
The training for those enrolled in the educational program Digital Journalism is conducted in English.
The exam consists of 2 stages
1 stage
The 1st creative exam is conducted in writing in the form of an essay on one of the specified topics.

An essay on a given topic is a written presentation in an arbitrary prose form and composition of individual opinions, impressions, and reflections.  The style of presentation is literary or journalistic, the language is within the framework of lexical, morphological and syntactic norms of the school curriculum. The main requirement for the essay is the disclosure of the given topic.
Sample topics of the essay:
  • The role of digitalization in my life or how I imagine the digital future.
  • Profession “journalist”: We are where life boils!
  • Journalism in the 21st century and its social significance.
  • The role of journalism in the “New Kazakhstan”.
  • Challenges of globalization (modern challenges of humanity).
  • My ideas belong to my country.
  • Is youth the future or the present of Kazakhstan?
  • National culture and mentality in the turbulent flow of time
  • A book (or a film) that influenced my views: a parallel between me and the character.
  • A new reality. The impact of digital space on social skills.
Evaluation criteria for the 1st creative exam

  • ability to reveal the topic, intensity, analytics – 15 points;
  • structure, compositional completeness – 15 points;
  • language and style of presentation, imagery, literacy – 20 points. 

The total volume of the essay is 500-600 words.

The writing time is 3 hours.

Applicants take the 1 st creative exam in a computer-based format. The works are checked for plagiarism.
2 stage
The 2 nd creative exam is conducted orally in the form of an interview to identify professional suitability (defense of a creative project and answers to questions from the commission).

During the interview, applicants must individually present a planned or already implemented creative project – the applicant’s public presentation of his/her own creative solution to achieve the set goal in the assignment. The subject of the tasks is compiled based on the specifics of the future specialty.
Topics of creative projects(the applicant chooses one topic)
Topic No. 1. Develop a flash mob or a life hack popularizing the University’s Journalism Educational Program on social media. 
Topic No.2. Suggest a content plan and content strategy to promote the page on social media: 1) the University’s page; 2) an individual page; 3) a group (community) or project’s page.
Topic No. 3. Develop a startup project in the field of digital media technologies, advertising, PR, information and communication technologies.
Topic No. 4. Demonstrate your own video, documentary, commercial, short film, video self-presentation, media publications and other forms of author’s media content.

The presentation of the project on one of the above topics is mandatory, schematic and graphic images in electronic and paper versions are allowed.
Evaluation criteria for the 2nd creative exam
  • presentation of published works (articles, scripts) or presentation of the project – 20 points;
  • the applicant’s general outlook (knowledge of the socio-political life of the country, the state structure, priority areas of domestic and foreign policy of Kazakhstan, etc.), the level of understanding of media activities (general characteristics of media portals, mass media), existing ideas about the future profession – 15 points;
  • the ability to express one’s thoughts, the richness of speech, general culture, oratory, diction, etc. – 15 points.

The presentation defense time is 10 minutes, and 5 minutes for questions from the members of the commission.  

Registration for the creative exam
UNT certificate (if available)
Attach the scanned UNT certificate
Certificate confirming knowledge of the English language (if available)
Applicants are required to submit the following documents to the University admissions committee before the start of the 1st creative exam inclusive:
- a document on general secondary or technical and professional, post-secondary education (original);
- 2 photographs measuring 3 x 4 centimeters;
- a copy of the identity document;
- UNT certificate (if available).